Learning Resources

UCloud – Tutorial – Boost your research with UCloud

The webinar describes UCloud features which can help researchers in optimizing their workflow through the platform and efficiently use the HPC resources. 

About UCloud

UCloud is a Danish IHPC platform providing an interactive digital research environment. The environment is built to support the needs of researchers for both computing and data management, throughout all the data life cycle.

UCloud is designed to be user-friendly with an intuitive graphical user interface, and flexible and extensible to account for the multi-scale and multi-disciplinary research challenges, and the high data intensity and heterogeneity.

The focus of UCloud is to make complex digital technology accessible to all users. In other words UCloud is the tool that gives us Interactive High Performance Computing (IHPC)


Digital Humanities Lab Denmark

Aarhus University
Jens Chr. Skous Vej 4
DK-8000 Aarhus C

